Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Final Exam pt.1

Art piece-

For the anamorphic art project, we had to start out in the computer lab. In the computer lab, we each took an image in Photoshop  and made it so that it only looked normal at a certain angle, and every other angle it looked distorted. to do the rest of the project, we had to do that first, making sure that it would turn out right. 

Technology piece-

One of my technology pieces was the 7th day of Photoshop, where we had to choose a Disney character and combine it with a superhero. I combined Winnie the Pooh with Superman. I chose this because they have similar colors in their costumes, so it wouldn't be too hare to combine them making them look normal. 
What I did was take Superman's cape and symbol and added it to Winnie. I had to match the colors to each other by adding effects and changing the contrast of the reds and yellows so that they blended well. 

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