Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Disney Flipthrough

Final Exam pt.3

Success: My most successful art piece was probably the amamorphic chalk art, where we made a rainbow dalmatian inspired from the movie 101 Dalmatians. . I think this because it helped me develop my art making skills, which was done by blending the chalk colors together, and choosing colors that would make the others around it stand out. When doing this project, we also took risks and solved problems. We used these skills because the original drawing was black and white, and there was no where near enough white chalk to finish the task. Faced with this problem, we chose to use a light yellowish-green for the body of the dog. In the end, this contributed to the rainbow goal and looked great!

Do over: The project that I would like to redo would probably be the Post it note project. Although it turned out great in the end, we had to continuously un-stick and re-stick the Post-It-Notes. At our table, we had split into two smaller groups, one that was going one way with the sticky notes and one going another. This caused a lot of confusion and regret, because if one person added one without the other knowing, We would have to adjust the whole row, overlapping the notes and adding secret ones in the background to fill in the gaps. When we would redo it, we would stay working as a full team and double check every note we would put down, so that we would have less mistakes.

Final Exam pt.2

We collaborate 
On the post-it-note project, we had to work in groups to get the job done.
While we were working, we did have to ask and answer each other's questions, including feedback questions.  "Do these colors work well together?" "Do you think we should switch these two colors out so that it looks nicer?" and "Do you think these rows look straight?" are a few examples of feedback questions we were asking.
The portrait we were working on was made by another student, Ashley McDaniel, and we all really liked it and went with it. We went to the creator of the color grid when we had trouble figuring out what to do, and she helped us understand the important information and factors to the art.

Final Exam pt.1

Art piece-

For the anamorphic art project, we had to start out in the computer lab. In the computer lab, we each took an image in Photoshop  and made it so that it only looked normal at a certain angle, and every other angle it looked distorted. to do the rest of the project, we had to do that first, making sure that it would turn out right. 

Technology piece-

One of my technology pieces was the 7th day of Photoshop, where we had to choose a Disney character and combine it with a superhero. I combined Winnie the Pooh with Superman. I chose this because they have similar colors in their costumes, so it wouldn't be too hare to combine them making them look normal. 
What I did was take Superman's cape and symbol and added it to Winnie. I had to match the colors to each other by adding effects and changing the contrast of the reds and yellows so that they blended well. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

day 4- Literalrainbow Interpretations of Compound Words






Thursday, May 14, 2015

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015


    For our anamorphic unit, we started out in the computer lab. We chose an image, and made it so that it only looked normal at a certain angle, and every other angle it looked distorted. The next day in the art room, we transferred the printed version to our sketch book using the 1 inch grid method. Some people added shadows to give it the effect of popping off the page. 

      To make our drawings come to life, we chose one person's to draw out with chalk. We chose cara's dalmatian, from 101 dalmatians.

       To start out, we had to redraw the grid on the parking lot, then draw out the dog square by square. We colored the body of the dog yellow and made all of the spots differnet colors
      At the end we added a shadow for effect. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Post-it note portraits

Our main picture was of Paul Walker. One day in the comupter lab, we used photoshop to edit the photo and add a gradient using the colors of Post-It notes, as well as making it a grid. 

Almost completed- we spent around 3 days of art class putting
together the differnt colors, and trying to mke them flow well.
At the mall- the finished product of our portrait at the Cary Towne
Center mall's Kaleidoscope 2015 art show 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

photography unit

Frame edit- hallie and i are looking on to a beach that has a giant crab 

Newimal 1- my first new animal is a funny dog face onto a sea lion. the sea lion is the animal my group did for the AOIT zoo trip. 

Newimal 2- a meer-CAT. its a meercat that has the head of an actual cat. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Photography questions

1.What does DPI stand for?
Dots per inch

What's the difference between a low DPI like 72 and a high DPI like 600?
DPI is a measure of the number of dots that will fall side by side along one inch, the higher the DPI the better quality the printed resolution. 600 would be much better than 72.

2. What is an aperture?
An opening, hole, or gap.

What do the different f stop settings mean?
That there are different fractions of the focal length of a lens on the camera

3. What is shutter speed?
the time for which a shutter is open at a given setting

What difference does it make?
The longer the shutter is open, the more light gets into the lens

4. What is ISO in photography?
the level of sensitivity of your camera to available light. Lower=less, higher=more

Monday, February 9, 2015

Comic Questions

Anime, comic, and graphic novel questions

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cartoon Compilation

Instead of a Pintrest, I've decided to make a collage in my art journal/sketch book. It is not fully complete at the moment, our printer ran out of ink. I will update once it is finalized. 

Cartoon Final Project

 My cartoon final project has a different take on it compared to others. Instead of something comedic with a punch line, mine is a three line love poem. There are romantic silhouettes that go along with the poem, which will be on top of a watercolor rainy night sky.
Poem along with 2 out of 3 silhouettes

Cartoon Bones

The animated figure I drew bones for was Thumper from the Disney book/movie Bambi.

Thumper, traced and colored
Thumper's bones

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Photoshop art

Angry pancakes
I added myself to a scene of "The Jungle Book"