1.What does DPI stand for?
Dots per inch
What's the difference between a low DPI like 72 and a high DPI like 600?
DPI is a measure of the number of dots that will fall side by side along one inch, the higher the DPI the better quality the printed resolution. 600 would be much better than 72.
2. What is an aperture?
An opening, hole, or gap.
What do the different f stop settings mean?
That there are different fractions of the focal length of a lens on the camera
3. What is shutter speed?
the time for which a shutter is open at a given setting
What difference does it make?
The longer the shutter is open, the more light gets into the lens
4. What is ISO in photography?
the level of sensitivity of your camera to available light. Lower=less, higher=more